Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Another Day

Today turned out nothing like I expected. After all, I dutifully checked my planner last night and knew that I had to be at the Holladay Library at 10:30 to take some pictures of Curious George for the paper. And I knew I had to swing by Eric's work to pick him up at 1, to go to the mortgage place for our house closing.

But last night had me up--all night. I shouldn't complain. But poor little Portia was up moaning. Moaning because she was sick and feverish. We took her temperature and she was teetering around the high 102s. Nothing that special, I'm sure. But the moaning bothered me. So not normal for her--or any baby I've ever had, for that matter.

So this morning, I called her pediatrician first thing and went in at 10:15, the earliest they could get me in and simply knew I could scratch my library appointment off my list. I expected the doctor to say the normal things--she has a cold, or an ear infection, and send me home. Instead, she told me that Portia's soft spot on her head was swollen and I needed to take Portia to Primary Children's ER immediately to have her checked for menengitis.

My first instinct was to cry, which I did, and then I left for the hospital. I did swing by and pick Eric up though, it just wasn't where we were planning to go.

I hate Primary Children's for obvious reasons. I hate recognizing nurses or social workers from my time there. And I hate was all those tests were doing to my baby.

I'm glad Eric was there. I have a needle phobia and can't watch the nurses and doctor poking and prodding my baby. I stepped away and took a walk outside. After all, I didn't want to pass out on the ground and end up in a hospital room of my own. I didn't realize how scared I was of IVs and needles until five years ago when I took my cat, Kitty Bumpkin--may he rest in peace--to the vet to be tested for feline leukemia. He was a slow bleeder and I started to pass out while trying to hold that big fat cat in place while they squeezed his furry little arm. They ended up bringing me a cool washcloth for my head and some juice to revive me. I can't believe after all this that I've actually gotten through three entire pregnancies and a tumor surgery. Sorry, back to the story.

Portia had to have a catheter, and an IV, and a spinal tap, and five and a half hours later, we were finally leaving that place. Fortunately, everything turned out negative and guess what? Portia's ear looks just a tad bit red, so she has an ear infection. Just a little frustrating. But this is what we do as moms and despite all the craziness of today, I'd never opt to forgo the test and maybe miss something life threatening. I know I'd do it again tomorrow if they told me to go back.