Friday, November 9, 2007

That’s it. The cleaning ladies have to go.

No, it's not what you think. They're doing a fine job, if you don't count missing one of the sinks last time, but who's counting. I think I have to end the cleaning-lady saga in my life, after looking through Bianca's backpack today.

I pulled a cute little book titled "Thanksgiving" that she meticulously colored and wrote in. This is what is says:

BOOK: Long ago, the Pilgrims sailed from England to America on a ship called the Mayflower. What could you travel on today?

BIANCA: And today we do not have those. We'd fly.

BOOK: They wanted to build a new life and have freedom. What are you free to do today?

BIANCA: We do not have to work today. We can hire people.

Okay, I'm going to stop there for obvious reasons. Yes, it's been nice having the cleaning ladies come every other week, but if this is what I'm teaching my daughter, then I'm going to have to say goodbye to my lovely cleaning ladies and their wonderful cleaning supplies. This hurts me to say, but I guess cleaning a few toilets and showers every other week is better than showing my daughter that we don't have to work.

I'm feeling like a crappy parent today.