Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Queen for the Day

Yesterday was Bianca's 5th birthday. And I'd heard this idea from a friend that she lets her kids be queen (or king) for the day on their birthdays. They get everything they want to eat, don't have to clean up--just get everything a child desires.

I've been feeling a little guilty since I didn't let Bianca have a birthday party this year (too much work to have 12 four and five year olds running around my house) so I thought this would do it. It'd make her feel special without a big party.

So I told her that she was queen yesterday. She loved it. She wore a crown. She went to breakfast with her dad before kindergarten, then we brought donuts to her kindergarten class, so when I picked her up and brought her home, she was so stuffed she didn't want lunch. I didn't make her eat anything. But she pretty much grazed on snack foods and candy all afternoon. She picked her favorite dinner, which incidentally is cheese brats, and then I made her cupcakes--chocolate cake with white icing & sprinkles. Just as she'd picked out at the store.

We didn't do much else--just opened presents, let her stay up a little later to play with her new toys, and then put her to bed.

This morning, I got a phone call that Bianca threw up in the carpool on the way to school. She was coming home.

Maybe this whole Queen-for-a-day thing isn't all it's cracked up to be. She can be queen for her birthday, but will probably be throwing up the next day. Sounded like a great idea, but I urge any of you who likes the idea to use with caution.