Wednesday, October 18, 2006


When Bianca was two, I became pregnant with Miranda. The realization that I was pregnant came one week after I'd started a new job, as my husband was out of work, and I thought the pregnancy couldn't have come at a worst time.

Eric stayed home with Bianca while I worked and he looked for a job. I'd always been home with Bianca before that. I'd made a decision that I would be at home with my children, as much as I wanted to do the career thing.

But as financial necessity required, I went back to work and worked full time pretty much until a couple days before Miranda was born. When Eric's job opportunities finally panned out. Call it a miracle; if you're the religious type, call it God telling me that he was keeping us in mind; call it a coincidence. Whatever you call it, I came home and stayed there with my kids after Miranda was born.

When Bianca found out I was pregnant this time, she asked me when I was going back to work.

Funny how kids associate things together, things that wouldn't normally go together. Like I have to be at work to be pregnant. Hopefully I've fixed her perception on the pregnancy thing--that I don't have to go back to work this time. (Well, except for the really part-time thing I'm doing.)

But the funny thing is, I worried a little as we were trying that if we did get pregnant, Eric would lose his job. Maybe it's not just kids with the strange associations.