Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It only took me a couple days . . .

to undo a year's worth of work. When Eric returned last night from his trip to Dallas with his arms filled with my girls, I nearly exploded. I missed them so much. I plucked Portia from her stroller. She looked at me as if I was sort of familiar to her. But when Eric turned around to go back to get his luggage, Portia started crying. Like she used to do everytime I walked out of a room.

Yes, I guess that's what happens when he takes the girls for a weekend, to let me have a break. He covered diapers, feedings, holdings, everything that Portia demands. I missed them, but all the while I couldn't help but think there's no way he can do it. But proved me wrong. He did it. And he turned into the preferred parent in four days flat.

Maybe she knew the entire time I was relishing just lying on the couch, relaxing, not a thought or whiff of a dirty diaper even close to my mind. Eating out, shopping, being so relieved I wasn't hurrying back to anything or anyone. I feel a little guilty. My sister Susannah came without her kids. We talked and watched movies and went on long walks with more talking and ate out and shopped and then shopped again. I did make a discovery on Monday whilst at the mall--I'm officially off the Gymboree wagon. I actually think the girls clothes at Gap Kids are cuter than Gymboree's right now. Although my girls were far away, I couldn't help but relieve my guilt by buying them pretty new things. And yes, it helped.

The weekend is now over, all a distance memory. My leisurely afternoons laying on the couch writing and napping are long gone. I don't know if I'll ever get a kid break again. But already Portia's starting to warm back up to me. She didn't cry when Eric left for work this morning. I'll change a couple more diapers and I'll be back in the the preferred spot. So, yeah, I guess it was worth it for one stress-free weekend.